In 2016 the congregation purchased the old Health Centre in Tain as a site to build a new church. In April 2018, Reynolds Architecture prepared and submitted a planning application. Permission was granted the following year.

In March 2021, the plans took a major step forward with the appointment of two professionals to lead the project: Mrs. Julie MacLeod as Project Manager and Mr. Duncan MacDonald as Build & Design Team Leader. Work progressed quickly with the production of a framework document providing a route-map for how the project would move forward, and the creation of a number of smaller teams to oversee disciplines such as design, finance, funding and communication.
April was a very encouraging month, with the passing of another major financial milestone and the news that the loan application to the General Trustees of the denomination had been successful. The application for renewal of planning consent was also granted.
The team are currently in the process of drawing up a business plan to start applying to funders. A community consultation is planned to determine what needs there are that the church could help to provide and the drawings are being taken to building warrant stage. Also under consideration is the demolition of the old flat-roof part of the Health Centre building as a first phase of the building project. The inside of the old building has been stripped out and whilst it would be encouraging to see work begin on-site, the project team need to ensure that the demolition would be financially beneficial.
To generate more widespread interest and support for our project, there is a three-page spread in the May edition of the Free Church magazine, The Record. The May edition is available to view online, for free, below
The objective is to provide a church building for the community of Tain which will be fit for purpose for the 21st century. The building will be used as a place of worship for the current and future Free Church congregations, while providing flexible spaces able to cater for the work of the congregation as well as providing an asset that can be utilised by community groups as well. The budget for the build is an estimated £1.2m and we are working towards an anticipated start date for commencement of building work in early 2022. The building work is expected to take 12 months to complete.PERSONNEL
Duncan MacDonald, Blueprint Architecture - FINANCE
Fiona Robertson, Rona Grigg and Maureen Ross - COMMUNICATIONS
Fin Macrae, DUFI Art
- Renewal of planning consent – April 2021
- Community consultation regarding use of buildings – May/June 2021
- Architects’ drawings upgraded to Building Warrant stage – May/June 2021
- Tender process with bids received – July 2021
- 50% of build cost raised during 2021
- Remaining 50% of build cost raised through grants and loans – early 2022
- Start building work in early to mid-2022

We are delighted to announce that the General Trustees of the denomination have offered us a loan of £150,000. There are however several conditions to this loan. It must be drawn down in the next 18 months and we must be able to identify where the other funding is coming from by then. Whilst this is within the timescales already laid out in the project plan, it is a tight dealine, and it does increase the need for us to reach our half-way point of £600,000 as soon as possible. That will enable us to being applying to major funders for grants. Please pray for the grants and loans teams as they have identified an array of funding sources and are collating all necessary infromation that these funders require.
The previous Project Team and Fundraising Team have been disbanded and members of these teams will be invited to help at different stages in the development of the project. While there is no specific fundraising team and with Covid restrictions preventing large-scale fundraising events, we hope individuals will continue to organise fundraising ventures throughout the year. Examples of these in 2020 were:
- £2000 raised from Christmas tree sales
- £1500 from calendar sales
- £800 from making and selling masks
- and almost £500 from the sale of Christmas wreaths
We hope that the young folk will get involved too. If you have an idea for fundraising, no matter how small, please get in touch with Julie MacLeod ( or 01862 863 011) who is compiling a list of fund-raising ideas and opportunities.
Julie MacLeod, Duncan MacDonald and Fin Macrae are all recent additions to our congregation. They arrived at a time when the office-bearers were praying for the Lord to direct us regarding who should lead the project. Julie, whose career has been in Project Management, was approached and gladly took on the role. She had been praying that the Lord would show her why he had brought them as a family to Tain. Julie, Duncan and Fin are providing their expertise at no cost.
We need you to pray for the project and for those who are taking a leading role in it. There has previously been a prayer group in Tain on a Friday morning where this project was regularly prayed for. Whilst the group cannot currently meet, we want to encourage you all to take time each Friday at 11am to pray that that the Lord will help and provide in each aspect of this project.
From time-to-time, Andrew will be live on Facebook at this time – watch our Facebook page for announcements and join him if you can.
We have £302,000 in our New Church Fund. That, coupled with the £150,000 loan and £63,000 in pledges, brings us to within £85,000 of our half-way target figure of £600,000. We are grateful to everyone who has given to enable us to reach this stage and believe that your donations are key to seeing the current momentum increase and bring the project to fruition. If you have been considering making a donation or pledging a sum of money to the project, now is the time to do that. Please use the account details below, click on the donate button or send a cheque to the treasurer Mrs. Anne Wilkie, 10 Duthac Wynd, Tain, IV19 1LP
Bank Details - NEW BUILDING FUND | |
Account Name | Tain and Fearn Free Church of Scotland-2 |
Account Number | 10090961 |
Sort Code | 80-06-36 |
Pledges will be taken up when we know that they will take us to the half-way stage in funding the project. All pledges are confidential, with details only available to the Treasurer and the Clerk to the Deacons’ Court, Mr. Bill Ferrier. If you wish to make a pledge or amend a previous pledge, please contact Bill on 01862 810457 or email