- Throughout the year
- Hilton or Tain church
Communion weekends will be on the fourth Sunday of the following months
- In Tain in January, May and September
- In Hilton in March, June and November

- Wednesday
- 19:30 - 20:30
- Both Hilton & Tain churches
The midweek prayer meeting meets in both churches on Wednesdays at 7.30pm.
All welcome

- Thursday (term time)
- 10:00 - 11:30
- Tain Free Church Hall
- £2 per family
Casan Beaga (Gaelic for Tiny Feet) is the name we have given our Parent & Toddler Group. It is held in the Tain Free Church Hall every Thursday morning during term time between 10am and 11.30am.
We have a fabulous selection of toys including duplo, construction vehicles, dolls & pram, a cosy corner for looking at books or watching the fish in our bubble tube, soft play seating, some comfy floor mats for smaller children with a huge selection of soft toys and rattles. There’s a slide and a sandpit and plenty table top games and activities for the 0-3 age group and up to 5 years.
Each week the children will be provided with a healthy snack consisting of fresh fruit (usually strawberries / grapes / apple or banana), breadsticks, biscuits with cheese and occasionally yoghurts.
It’s a great chance to meet up with other mums in the area and enjoy a good cup of tea/coffee and some home baking (or Tesco pancakes!!)
The group is supported financially by Bord Na Gaelic although the parents do various fundraising efforts each term, e.g. Coffee mornings and Bring & Buy sales – although this has been at a standstill due to Covid restrictions.
At each session there is a Gaelic sing-song time which the children love. These songs are repetitive and very simple, and parents pick them up very quickly. CD’s are available for the parents to take home and keep with these songs on them. Flash cards with simple Gaelic phrases are also available and parents should ask the group playleader if they would like a set for themselves.
The group usually have an end of term outing in the summer, and these are decided on at committee meetings which are held after the group meets on a particular day – all parents are encouraged to take part in the running of the group and any decisions made.
The group is a member of the Care & Learning Alliance (CALA) and will be visited by one of their representatives on various occasions to offer support.
At the moment Casan Beaga works on a pre-booking system and although restrictions have lifted we like to know in advance how many will attend the group each week Booking can be made by sending Mairi Macaulay a text on 07766 075 206 or message on facebook.

- Sunday
- During the service
- Hilton & Tain Free Church Hall

- Sunday
- During the service
- Hilton & Tain Free Church Hall
We have a Sunday School for primary age children during the morning service in Hilton and in Tain. The children are present for the first 15 minutes of the service, during which the minister will give a short address to the children. After that, they go through to the hall for Sunday School where we use the “Go Teach” syllabus which gives clear and balanced Bible teaching together with interesting activities for the children to complete.
Sunday School runs during term-time. During the Summer holidays Primary school age children are invited to join our Summer Sunday School for Bible stories with fun activities

- Sunday (fortnightly during term-time)
- 19:45
- Manse
The Youth Fellowship meets fortnightly during term-time on a Sunday evening at 7.45pm. It is aimed at P7 upwards and will have varied activities such as Bible quizzes, guest speakers, and DVD nights.
These are always accompanied by food!
Regular outings are also organised to build friendships and to enjoy being together.
Please contact us for more information.

We run week long holiday clubs during the summer holidays for primary age children. The club which runs for 2 hours each weekday includes games, crafts, sing-song and a Bible lesson as well as snacks and juice.
The club runs during the first week of the school holidays. Daily sessions take place in Hilton School from 9:30am to 11:30am and in TRACC in Tain from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.
Early booking is recommended for the holiday clubs as there has been great demand for the clubs in past years.

- Friday
- 12:00 - 13:30
- Tain Free Church Hall
Tain Lunch Club – Free soup, sandwiches, tea & coffee – Fridays – 12pm – 1.30pm – Tain Free Church Hall. All ages welcome

- Monday (term-time)
- 12:00 - 13:30
- Hilton Free Church Hall
- Donations Welcome
Every Monday during the school term, between 12pm and 1.30pm at the church hall in Hilton, the congregation provides a free lunch to anyone in the community who wishes to come along.
There are usually several different soups on offer as well as filled rolls, sandwiches and toasties, to be followed by tea, coffee and home baking.
It provides an opportunity for friends to meet and for the congregation to get to know more people in the community. If you would like a lift, please call or text 07503 176 150
Children are welcome and there is a good selection of toys for toddlers.
There is a box for donations as some who come along wish to contribute to this venture.

- Tuesday
- 19:00 - 20:00
- Tain Free Church Hall
Road to Recovery is a weekly addictions meeting which aims to offer support and guidance to those experiencing addiction issues.
We believe that Jesus is the answer to all such issues and that through him people can be freed from the grip of addictive behaviour. For that reason the good news of Jesus Christ as we have it in the Bible is central to the work of Road to Recovery.
The meeting will include a message from the Bible to point us to Jesus and help us, through him, to overcome our addictions. There will also be a time of prayer and discussion with an opportunity to ask any questions you wish.
This part of the meeting lasts about an hour with an opportunity for one to one discussion afterwards when tea, coffee, snacks and baking are on offer.
You are welcome to come along and you will not be under any pressure to speak unless you wish to do so.
We understand that some may be wary of attending as they don’t want people to know that they were there. For that reason we ask those who attend not to speak to others outside the group, about those who were there.
Road to Recovery is run in conjunction with CCAST Highland, which offers a wide range of support and advice throughout the week.
For Further Information – Contact: Mandy Nutt at CCAST on 07708 583 962 or Rev. Alasdair MacAulay on 07503 176 150.

We support local, Highland, national and international Christian mission.
We have a wide variety of interesting speakers at our meetings, which are informal and include tea, coffee and home baking.
We fund-raise through Bring and Buy stalls, coffee mornings and donations to support needs in our own community and further afield.
This term we are trialling evening meetings which we hope will be more suitable for those who work during the day.
Women of all ages are invited.
Why not come along with some friends and use your gifts in this practical way?

At various times during the year we host supper evenings in the church hall in Hilton, which have proved very popular. They are usually themed nights such as the recent Mexican night and Italian night.