We are a church serving our local community with the desire to know Jesus and make Jesus known. We are a part of the Free Church of Scotland which have more than 100 congregations throughout the nation, committed to proclaiming the Christian faith, both at home and abroad.
Find out more about What We Believe, our Mission, our Vision, our Leadership, What To Expect at our services, the History of our church, our New Church Building Project and how you can support us by Giving.
Up-to-date information regarding changes to, and restrictions on our normal schedule due to the Covid-19 pandemic are here
We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the inspired word of God. In it He reveals to us all that we need to know about Him and about ourselves. It is to be our guide-book for life.
The Bible teaches that there is only one God and it is this God who created the universe and created us and for that reason we are answerable to Him.
This one God is three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although this can be difficult to grasp, it is clear from the Bible that the three are distinct persons and yet they are one.
We believe that God the Son – Jesus, became a human being and lived on earth a little over 2000 years ago. He was crucified and died but came back to life 3 days after his death. He later ascended to heaven and will return one day to resurrect the dead and judge the world.
His death was not an accident or a tragedy but the way that God uses to reconcile sinful humanity to Himself. All of us are sinners and as such we are alienated from God who is holy and cannot abide sin. The only way in which we can be made right with God is by accepting Jesus as our saviour and relying on his sacrificial death to pay the penalty that our sin ought to receive.
To reach, influence & serve our community by building a Christ-centred, Bible-based church, empowering people to lead & serve, impacting every sphere of life.
We are a ministry founded on reformed biblical principles with the intention of making a lasting difference in our congregation, community, and world, serving others, by God’s help, with a spirit of integrity, respect and compassion

Meet Our Ministers, Elders & Deacons

What Happens at Our Services

From 1906 to Present Day

Our Plans for a New Church In Tain